Youth & Young Adult Programs

HOPE (Holy Orthodox Primary Education) meets regularly throughout the year to teach our faith, build community, and bring our children closer to Christ. HOPE is an excellent way for our children to know each other better and develop lasting friendships in the parish community.
JOY (Jesus Orthodox Youth) meets monthly for educational and social activities to build on the experiences and relationships formed during the HOPE program, and to further their growth in their faith in Jesus Christ.

7th-12th Grades (ages 12-18)
SOYO (Society of Orthodox Youth) offers our teenagers an opportunity to engage in fellowship and participate more actively in the life of the parish. They sponsor several retreats throughout the year, and host various activities once a month including social fellowship and community outreach.
Young Adults

20's and 30's
The Young Adult Fellowship is made up of young professionals and adults of the parish, most in their 20's and 30's, married or single, who come together for fellowship, discussion, education, and outreach.
For more information about any of our Youth Programs, please contact our Assistant Pastor, Fr. Anthony Niqula via email or call the church office at 617-323-0323.
Online Donations
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