January 2021 - The Blessing of Homes


During the Holy Theophany Season, it is customary to visit and bless the homes of parishioners as requested.  This year however, due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, we will postpone all home blessings out of concern for the health and safety of our community. 

Later in the year, when the COVID crisis is under control and everyone is vaccinated, Fr. Timothy, Fr. Ghassan and Dn. Anthony will gladly accept invitations to bless the homes of parishioners.  In the meantime, you are encouraged to take Holy Water from the Theophany service, gather your household together, recite the blessing prayers and bless your own home.  Please use the brochure included in the January MESSENGER and/or bulletin for Sunday, January 3rd for offering the blessing prayers. 

The Orthodox Church considers the family and its home as a small church. The family table is the home altar where the members gather to receive their daily bread and offer thanksgiving to God in the name of Jesus Christ.

The sanctification of the home takes place with prayer and the sprinkling of holy water. The household prays together for all the members of the family, and all who live and have lived in the house. We sing the hymns of salvation and go from room to room while blessing the home.

Prepare to Bless the home by having a candle with an icon and bowl of holy water placed on the kitchen or dining room table. Prepare a list of names of family members living and deceased members of the family. 

When all are present, gather around the icon and light the candle. Say the Trisagion Prayers and sing the Troparion of the Feast of Epiphany together. Then a family member leads the others thru the house with the candle.  Sprinkle each room with holy water using a whisk or small pine branch. Gather again around the table for the final prayer.

May the parishioners of St. George Church be blessed along with their household and their homes at this Holy Theophany Season.

With Blessings in this New Year, Fr. +Timothy


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